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Upcoming Presentations

International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis Conference 2017, Sydney, Australia 

More than a Cursory Glance: Particularizing Pornography and Finding Meaning 

Thursday, April 5th, 2018, 6:00-8:00 pm

Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM 


Problems related to pornography use are becoming increasingly commonplace in contemporary clinical practice. Despite the growing body of literature on the negative effects of pornography, statistics tell us that the desire to consume and watch pornography is only growing, forcing mental health professionals to contend with its increasing influence. That said in academia and in mental health, there exists a kind of intellectual prejudice against taking porn seriously, in imagining that it has anything interesting to tell us about ourselves and our clients. When we generalize or make blanket interpretations about pornography, we run the risk of obscuring the particularities that are often so necessary to contend with in successful therapeutic work. This presentation uses rich case material to engage in what Hillman called “close noticing,” to particularize rather than generalize, and to resist prescriptive or moralistic ideas about pornography. In so doing this presentation offers new ways of thinking about, responding to, and engaging clinically with pornography in contemporary consulting rooms.    


Integrating a Sex Positive Approach into your Clinical Practice

with Tamara Galinsky, Michaela Kirby, and Daniel Blausey

Saturday, November 3, 2018, 1:00-2:30 pm

American Art Therapy Conference Miami, Florida


The Erotic Image: Pornography and Potential Space

Friday, November 2, 2018 3:00-3:50 pm

American Art Therapy Conference Miami, Florida 

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